Our Aims
At TickTock Daycare we aim to ensure that each child;
Enjoys an environment which is warm, happy and safe so that their experiences are rich, fun and exciting.
Is given a high level of care and attention, from qualified and experienced staff.
Has the chance to join with other children and adults to play and learn together, extending their social skills.
Is valued and respected, helping to take forward his/her learning and development
Has a key person who ensures each child makes good progress;
Is in a setting which parents help to shape the services it offers.
We work hard to ensure that we have good relations with other groups in the community. We have formed a group called Tockwith Children's Partnership, which enables Under Fives, TickTock and School to work collaboratively providing activities for all children throughout the year. The children learn to socialise with a range of children and ages, giving them a sense of belonging in their community, as well as making transitions between the Under Fives group to TickTock and then onto school seamless.
We arrange regular social events, encouraging all family members to come along and join in.